samedi 23 avril 2022

SOS 1/87 - Season 1 - Episode 4 - Part 3 - English Version


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- English Version -
Translation made with the free version of the translator
This web series is a fiction.

Any resemblance to real or existing persons
or situations that have existed or are real
would be pure coincidence

- Episode 4 - THE HELLISH TOWER -


 - Part 3/3 : FIRE CONTROL -


>>> Link to the precedent part by clicking here <<<


Summary of the first part: The firemen deploy to intervene inside the building, as well as outside with the big ladders to contain the fire.



Discover the Next Episode:

- English Version -
>>> CLICK HERE <<<

In case of a fire in a building:

If it has occurred in your apartment:
- Immediately call 18 or 112
- Fight the fire if you can, without taking any risks.
- Turn off the gas and electricity (at the meters if possible)
- Close the apartment door (of course not locked)
- Warn your neighbors and avoid panic.
- Evacuate by the stairs. Do not use the elevator!
- Open the access points to the building

In case of fire outside your apartment
If there is no smoke in the stairwell, do this:
- Get out of your apartment and close the door
- Turn off the gas and electricity
- Go down the stairs. Do not use the elevator!!!
- Get out of the building
- Move away from the front of the building
- And wait for the firemen.

If the staircase is filled with smoke, do this
- Stay in your home
- Caulk the front door with towels or sheets
- Water the door
- In the smoke get down, the fresh air is close to the ground
- And make your presence known at the window while waiting for the firemen

Discover the Other episodes 
of "SOS 1/87" The Daily Rescuers 

 Discover the others adventures
in English Version:
The Adventures of Jimini HOLMES
and Ciindy WATSON


>>> Click Here <<< 


- Discover the Episodes of "C3C Story" -

>>> Click here <<<

Discover the "Short Stories" 
of MEDEVAC 1/87:


 - Collection "Short Stories in 1/87" -

>>> Click here <<<


and the Seasons of "MEDEVAC 1/87"






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