jeudi 16 mars 2023

Actions to be taken following a major nuclear accident - English Version

Actions to be taken
following a major nuclear accident

 - English Version -
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Here are some advices in the section "Emergency Situation: Acts Before, During, After" on the actions to take following a major nuclear accident or threat.


Prepare the necessary equipment (medication, identity papers, flashlight, food, drink etc.), detailed in the Emergency Preparedness Guide.
For the population living or working near a nuclear site
Ask your town hall for the information brochures that are systematically published by the Prefecture and the industrial operator. They clearly inform about the alert signals and indicate with precision all the measures to be taken in case of an accident.

Provide means of containment for your home: adhesive tape, mastic, cloth to seal doors, windows and air vents.

In the event of an accident or serious incident at a nuclear facility involving radioactive iodine, the prefect will decide to take stable iodine tablets and inform the population. Stable iodine saturates the thyroid gland to prevent radioactive iodine from attaching to it.

In 1996, for populations living near a nuclear power plant, within the 10 km zone covered by the special intervention plan (PPI), the choice was made to provide each family with iodine tablets in the form of potassium iodide (at the rate of one box of 10 tablets per household, two boxes for large families) but also to build up stocks in companies and in places open to the public such as educational establishments. A new distribution campaign was carried out in the second half of 2009.

If you have not received your iodine tablets, if you have lost your iodine tablets or if you are a newcomer in a PPI zone, you can obtain them from your pharmacy.

You can take part in meetings of the Local Information Commission, which is held regularly within a 10 km radius of the industrial nuclear site.


Stay tuned to the instructions given by the local authorities, in particular thanks to the news broadcasted on the departmental and regional radios.

Avoid using the telephone to let the emergency services have the best possible access to the network.
In the event of an accident or serious incident at a facility, the prefect will decide whether or not the population should take stable iodine and will inform the population. . 

If you are outside

If the emergency services ask you to take shelter: go to a closed place and stay there. Respect the confinement instructions, i.e.: block all air inlets (doors, windows, air vents...), stop ventilation and air conditioning.

Do not try to reach family members if they are outside.

Avoid making phone calls to let the emergency services have the best access to the networks.

Preferably go to a room with a water supply.

Turn on the radio and do not leave the room until the alert is over or until you receive an evacuation order.

Don't touch objects (especially your vehicle), food or water.

If it is raining, leave outside anything that could have been wet by the rain (umbrella, shoes, coat, raincoat...).

If you are in a vehicle, get to a shelter (building, house, etc.) as quickly as possible. A vehicle is not a good protection.

Follow the evacuation instructions of the concerned areas, if necessary.

If you are inside, whether it is
 your home or your place of work

If the emergency services ask you to take shelter: follow the containment instructions, i.e.: block all air inlets (doors, windows, vents...), keep windows and all openings closed, turn off air conditioning, ventilation and heating, carefully block the cracks in doors, windows and air vents.

Don't try to reach family members if they are outside. Don't pick up your children from school: teachers know the safety instructions and will put them in a safe place.

Don't use the telephone to let the emergency services have the best access to the network.

Preferably go to a room with a water supply.

Turn on the radio and do not leave the building until the alert is over or until you receive an evacuation order.

If you are afraid of being exposed to radioactive dust, get rid of your clothes (coat, jacket, shoes, etc.) by placing them in a basket before entering an enclosed area.

Shower and change all your clothes if possible.

Don't leave the place where you are without permission.

If the order to evacuate is given:

Gather your essential personal belongings: papers, cash, medication.

Turn off the gas and electricity.

Strictly follow the instructions given by the emergency services.

Lock the outside doors.

Move calmly to the designated assembly point.

=> Stay tuned to the message from the local authorities to know the duration of the sheltering period, the instructions for taking iodine tablets and possibly the evacuation of the premises.



When you go out

Don't touch objects, food or water that may have been contaminated.
Don't eat fruits and vegetables picked in the contaminated area.
Don't consume milk collected in the affected area.

Follow the instructions given by the authorities concerning the occupation and use of land that may be contaminated by releases from a radiological accident


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